Monday, June 27, 2016

Thursday Bilingual Hike: Coal Mine Ridge!

Hello Thursday bilingual hikers!  I had a wonderful time with you at the Baylands.  It was so enjoyable to look at barn swallows and their little chicks.  You can learn more about them here:

We also saw some fun plants like pickleweed: and the native, but parasitic, bright orange saltmarsh dodder, Cuscuta salina:

This Thursday, let us try yet a new place, at Coal Mine Ridge (this is the preserve I manage).  There is plenty of parking at the intersections of Alpine and Willowbrook road, in Portola Valley.  This mapquest link will show you more:,-122.215730.  As the group finds each other, be aware that we are hiking in Coal Mine Ridge, not the better-signed Windy Hill.  Email or text me if you cannot make it, otherwise, I will look forward to seeing you for a short hike at 6:30?

Para los alumnos de español - vamos a ver algunas de las plantas describidos en este articulo:  - especialmente:  Estafiate, Toyón, y Encino Amaergo. Puede imprimir el articulo y traerlo a la clase si tiene alguna pregunta!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

For next week...I was thinking about hiking here...  It's a neat little "secret hike" - tucked up in the hills, but with much to see.  Dejenme saber que piensen!  Let me know what you think!

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