Saturday, June 11, 2016

Bilingual Thursday Recap

Hello, intrepid bilingual and trilingual learners!  I had a great hike with you for our first meeting.  Thanks so much for being there!  And we saw such cool stuff, didn't we?

It's always good to know how to identify Poison Oak, and fortunately we'll get plenty of practice doing so!  You can also do a Google image search for Toxicodendron diversilobum and you'll find plenty of pictures of both the plant and the rash it causes!  In Spanish, we just call it "hiedra" which just means "ivy" and is also used to refer to the ivy one might have at one's house.  Interestingly, the Latin name for the ivy genus is Hedera, very similar to "hiedra"!

We saw the very cool Soapplant, Chlorogalum pomeridianum, doing it's post

Next week we will meet at the Palo Alto Baylands, and there should be quite a few cool birds to see!   Here is the link to the website:  It says dogs are allowed but only on a leash.  Because there are endangered species there, please only bring your dog if he or she can behave nicely and not scare things.

If you are studying Spanish, you might want to have a look at this little article, which discussed two endangered species we would be very lucky to spot!  
If any of the Spanish gives you trouble, feel free to print it out and bring it to our hike and I can help you with it. 

We can meet at the building which now houses Environmental Volunteers.  It's a cool building that looks kind of like a ship.  It's right across the street from the duck pond.  They have signs which I believe are bilingual!  In Spanish, no German, sorry!  :)

I look forward to seeing you then.

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